DE Can Easily Clean Oil and Grease Spills
Diatomaceous earth works quickly to clean up liquid spills such as oil or grease. It works on carpets, driveways, garage floors, and hardwood. The porous diatoms that makeup DE are very absorbent and soak up liquid messes thoroughly.
When does a problem become bigger than a paper towel? Grease can leave a residue that DE will absorb more efficiently than a flimsy paper towel or cloth. Oil can leave behind residue making the area slippery. Either of these messes is unsafe to have around children. DE is able to pull liquids away from the floor and keep residue from remaining.
Follow the steps below to see how DE can help clean up greasy and oily messes:
Step 1:
Don't wait too long after the spill. Take one of our applicators good at covering large areas, like the Wilcox Scoop Applicator, fill it with DE and cover the spill with a thick layer of DE.
Step 2:
Wait for 2 to 24 hours for the spill to be absorbed, depending on the size. This gives the DE as much time as possible to absorb the spill; DE can hold up to twice its weight in liquid.
Step 3:
Return and sweep up any the diatomaceous earth into the dustpan and then dispose of it. If the spill is on the carpet, break up any clumps before vacuuming. Make sure it's completely dry before vacuuming. You may see dust coming out of your vacuum bag, this is normal. Vacuum the area thoroughly.
Step 4:
If the spill causes a stain, you may need to clean it with hot, soapy water and scrub the stain. Use extra caution on the hardwood to prevent any scratches to the surface. The stain should be easier to clean after the use of DE.
Note: Only vacuum DE if you have a non-filtered vacuum cleaner. DE can ruin the filter on its way to the vacuum bag.