Deodorizing Cupboards, Drawers, and Closets with DE
One of the great strengths of Diatomaceous Earth is its absorbent, porous structure. The porous structure of DE allows it to absorb unwanted odors. By simply placing a small, open container of diatomaceous earth in the vicinity of a bad smell, you can both deodorize and prevent the smell from returning.
Read the instructions below for ways to use this natural deodorizer in small spaces around your house.
You Will Need:
- Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
- A Small Container (you might want to use a matchbox, a paper bag, an empty coffee can or a mason jar)
Step 1:
Identify the location which seems to be producing the unpleasant smell.
Step 2:
Take your container and poke some holes in it. These should be ¼ to ½ inch holes in and towards the top of the container.
Step 3:
Fill the bottom of your container with DE. Fill about a 3rd of the container. Do not put a lid on the container unless it has holes as well.
Step 4:
Leave the container of DE in the cupboard, closet, or drawer. Over the next week, you will notice that the smell will begin to dissipate. Leave the DE there and you will notice that the smell will eventually disappear.